In the classroom, I would use this book with a problem and solution chart. I would get the students to tell me the setting and characters and then we would discuss the problems the main character experiences and the solutions to those problems. This would teach the children to discover problems and solutions in books. I would use this in a 1st or 2nd grade classroom.
After reading this book to the whole class, I would get the students to fill out a worksheet. This worksheet would get the students to explain how Lilly's feelings change towards her teacher throughout the story. This would be a great assessment for the teacher to see how the students comprehended the story. I would use this in a second grade classroom.
Since this is a wordless picture book, I would use this in a guided reading activity in my classroom. With a few students, I would do a picture walk in the beginning just to get the students to predict what this book is about. After that, we would start reading the book. On every page, I would get the students to narrate what they think the author is portraying on that page. I would get the students to do the rest of the book in this fashion. This will teach the students how to make predictions and read pictures. I would also use this in a 1st or 2nd grade classroom.
In the classroom, I would use this in a guided reading activity. I would read the book with the students and then I would provide finger puppets for each student when done reading. One duck and one bear. The students will put on the puppets and they would have to act and sound out what they think the characters would act and sound like. I would use this in a first or second grade classroom.
In the classroom, after reading the book to the students, I would get the students to come up with rules of their own on how to be a superhero. The rules can not be the same as the ones in the book. This would teach the students traits of how to be a good person in and outside of the classroom. I would use this in a 1st-3rd grade classroom.
In the classroom, I would use this book to help students realize that they are perfect just how they are. After reading this book, I would get students to draw a self-portrait of themselves. Afterwards, I would get the students to write positive things about themselves all around their self-portrait. When they are finished, I would get the students to volunteer to share their artwork and words. I would use this in a first or second grade classroom.
In the classroom, I could use this book in a whole group setting and get the students to act out and make the sounds of the noises presented in the book. This would be a great way for students to get out some energy and associate the words with the actions and sounds. I would definitely do this with a kindergarten classroom.
In the classroom, I could create a cut and paste fact and opinion chart. One side would be labeled opinion and the other fact. At the bottom, the students would cut out different sentences to place in the column they belong in. For example, "purplicious is the best book ever" would go under the opinion column and "purplicious loves the color pink" would go under the fact column. After teaching the difference between facts and opinions, I would use this in a kindergarten or first grade classroom.
In the classroom, I could create a sequence of events worksheet for the students to complete with me after reading the book. It would be based around prepositions. For example, Pete the Cat went for a walk across the (blank), around the (blank). I would use this in a kindergarten or first grade class.