For a kindergarten class, I would read this book aloud and emphasize that the students need to remember what pete steps in throughout the book. After reading, the students will fill out a cause and effect worksheet. On one side it will have a picture of what Pete steps in, and then on the other side it will have a picture of Pete's white shoes. The students will have to color the item he steps in and what color it turned his shoes.
This book would be another great one to read during the first week of school. I would read it to my kindergarten or first grade classroom and afterwards we would complete an idea web together based off of the giving nature of the book. I would make a chart - one side would say "people who are giving to me" and the other would say "ways I can give back" and I would get my students to tell me their thoughts and I would write them on the chart.
After reading this with my students in a first or second grade classroom, I will make a chart with the students help. There would be four sections: I'd like to learn about, skills I'd like to improve, ways I'd like to help in my class, and fun things I'd like to do in school. I would get the students to talk to one another and myself in order to fill out the chart. This would be a great first day of school activity.
After reading this story with my kindergarten class, I would draw a big caterpillar on the board. The body of the caterpillar would be circles - a circle for every day of the week listed in the book. I would pick on students to come to the board and draw what food the caterpillar ate on that day. This will be a great activity to see what the students comprehended and it will be fun for them.
After reading this story with my students, I will incorporate it with a math activity. I will make a chart labeled Monday through Friday and by each day of the week I will have a certain amount of cookies. Under the chart, I will have a list of questions for the students to answer. For example, "how many more cookies were eaten on Monday than on Friday?" I would use this in a kindergarten or first grade classroom.
In my first grade classroom, I would read this story with my students. I would tell my students to pay very close attention to the order that the animals are introduced because we will be doing an activity with it afterwards. After the story is read, I would have a worksheet where the students will cut out pictures provided of the animals in the story. They will then paste them in the order that the story provided.
This book has many descriptive words. Therefore, I would use this to teach the children about adjectives and how they are used. As a guided reading activity, I would read the story with the children. Afterwards, the students will go through the book and write down the adjectives they see. As a conclusion activity, they will make up their own sentences with the adjectives they found. I would use this with second graders.
After reading this book with my second grade students, I would get them to do a writing activity. Their prompt would be whether or not the pigeon should be able to drive the bus. They would have to write a paragraph and use correct punctuation.
This book doesn't have much dialogue. Therefore, I would use this in a guided reading activity. I would get my few students to do a picture walk before reading and explain what they see and get them to make predictions. I would then read the book along with the students. Afterwards, I would get the students to see if their predictions were right. After that, I would get the students to put their books down and I would read them the book without showing them the pictures. When doing this, the story isn't as exciting. This would teach the children how important images are when it comes to portraying a story. I would use this in a 1st or second grade classroom.
After reading this to my kindergarten class, they would fill out a worksheet. The instructions would be: make an ABAB pattern with the coconut trees - color the coconut trees to match and write A or B in the box. The sheet would have two rows of five. There will be a picture of a coconut tree and then a box underneath. The students will have to fill out the worksheet based off of the directions.
In the classroom, I would read this book to my kindergarten or first grade students and then afterwards do a math activity. The students would: roll a die and write the number down on paper. They would then roll the die a second time and write that number down as well. I would get the students to place a plus sign between the numbers and an equals sign after to create a number sentence. Then, the students would solve the equation. This would help with students addition and forming equations.
For this book, in my classroom I would use a chart that is labeled "what I know, what I want to know, and what i learned" about bats from reading the story. This activity would be used before and after the story is read. This is a great activity for building background knowledge. I would use this in a second grade classroom.
For this story, I would use a cause and effect worksheet for students to fill out with me after reading this story in whole group. Cause would be on one side and effect would be on the other. Some blanks would be filled in for the students to help them and give them some examples. For example, one cause would be "the cows were cold at night," and the students would have to fill in the effect. I would use this activity after teaching the students the meaning of cause and effect. I would use this in a second or third grade classroom.
In a kindergarten classroom, after learning about the parts of a fish in science, I would read this book as a whole group lesson. I would then get the students to color a picture of the rainbow fish and label four parts of the fish: mouth, fin, scales, tail. There would be arrows and blanks for the students to obviously see where they need to fill in the information. There would also be a work bank provided since it would be used with kindergarteners.
In the classroom, I would use this as a whole group reading activity. I would read the book to the students and then they would fill out a chart of good and bad behaviors from this book. There would be one column listed bad behaviors, and one listed good behaviors done by the dinosaur. At the bottom of the page, there would be a cut and paste section. The students would cut out the behaviors listed from the book and place them in the right column. This would show the students good and bad behaviors. I would use this in a kindergarten or 1st grade classroom.
In a classroom, I would use this as a whole group lesson. I would incorporate it with their writing activity for the day. I would read the book the the class and then I would send the students to their seats and they would have to write a paragraph describing how the dinosaur ate his food. This would be teaching the students how to properly write a paragraph using punctuation, etc. I would use this in a 3rd grade classroom.